Students, Stress, and How to Manage It

Everyone gets stressed sometimes. Life is never picture-perfect, and there are always frustrations along the way. But, for students, dealing with stress can be confusing and draining. Exams, homework, and peer issues can all cause students to feel this pressure. However, there are several factors that cause children stress that either can be eliminated or better managed.

Organization – Lost homework, cluttered desks, jumbled bookbags. Being unorganized can make a regular day seem chaotic. By staying organized and having things in place, students don’t need to stress about finding their work and getting to school on time.

School Supplies – Along with organization, is having the right school supplies. Not only should students have the tools required by the teacher, in order to complete homework correctly and on time, but children should have supplies that help them organize their work.

Unstructured Time – While many believe stress occurs during instructional time, it is the time when teachers are not around that can cause anxiety. Lunch, recess, and in between classes can be challenging for some.

Routines and Schedules – Kids like to have structure. They like to know when to expect a test or when an after-school meeting is held. Sometimes changes to schedules cannot be avoided, and in those cases, it is best to alert the student as soon as possible.

Big Projects and Tests – Even adults feel pressure when they have a big work project due. Students can exhibit an overwhelming sense of anxiety about exams and school projects, especially if it is going to contribute to a large part of the student’s overall grade, or they will need to present in front of the class.

Peer Pressures – Friendships, as well as conflicts, are part of growing up. With the addition of social media, some students will have increased anxiety. While almost every child struggles with awkwardness at some point, talking to them about avoiding dangerous pressures is essential.

So, how can students (and parents) manage stress more effectively?

• Manage your time more efficiently
• Get organized
• Work on good study habits
• Don’t procrastinate
• Get enough sleep
• Talk to the counselor

The school year can be hard on anyone, but by taking steps to reduce stress and anxiety, the year can turn around and be a great one.